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Our Qualification

Level 5 Diploma in Applied Reflexology for Integrated Medicine


The OTHM Level 5 Diploma in Applied Reflexology for Integrated Medicine qualification is forward thinking and dynamic and aligns with other health providers  who recognise the need for an Integrative approach to health and wellbeing.  The qualification is designed to give learners the opportunities to develop knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of reflexology and also  to expand upon this by advancing their conceptual and their practical knowledge.
Learners will study eight units, worth a total of 120 credits over one academic year (equivalent depth of study to the second year of an honours degree).

The qualification is the highest available in the UK and although it is designated as Level 5, it also has one unit that is Level 6 (compares to 3rd final year of a First Degree).   All of the 8 units have individual titles and learning outcomes, but they mesh together and knowledge learned from one unit will enhance the learning in another.  The title is Integrated Medicine and this is to reflect a couple of things 

1.  That people may benefit and/or require more than one intervention to achieve their health goal and this qualification fosters knowledge about and aligns with other Health Practitioners to achieve this.  

2.  People seeking treatments may prefer that their reflexologist is knowledgeable about a ‘whole life’ view and this qualification embraces this and covers the psychology of health and illness and the impact of stress in particular.    Not just in a theoretical way, but with unique to this qualification treatment techniques as well. 


There is lots of fascinating knowledge to learn which will be translated into practical application. 

All the CAREA Licensed Academies provide a minimum of 160 hours face to face and the aim is that about 50% of this time is dedicated to practical work.   80 hours of practical work.   The minimum requirement for some membership associations is 49 hours teaching in total for theory and practical!

At level 5 the qualification is designed for learners who are aged 18 and above.

There is no entry requirement – other than a desire to learn at the highest level and the motivation to work hard to achieve the qualification and to be at the forefront in developments within reflexology.  


There is no  requirement for any previous reflexology knowledge or training, although some who have already qualified at a lower level want to enhance their knowledge.  

No matter what previous experience you have, no matter what qualifications you already may have, no matter what job you do or have done, everybody has to learn the CAREA Matrix from the very beginning.   Three treatments, three techniques and protocols which means that everyone is on even playing field as far as their learning of reflexology is concerned!

What you will need:


IT skills (or be willing to gain them) as many assignments have to be electronically submitted for marking.

The acceptance that to qualify you will need to dedicate time outside of the classroom to complete assignments and Client Studies (treatments without supervision).   It is difficult to be definitive about how many hours required as the Academies deliver the training over differing time spans (but always a minimum of an academic year).   Plus different people learn and work at a different pace, but if you expect to have to do two* treatments per week during your course training, with a break for Christmas of course, then add on the hours for a report, an essay and a business plan will give you a pretty good guideline.  *Two treatments per week includes research and recording of a comprehensive analysis of your findings, as well as the treatment time itself.  


This is not an easy training course and you will have to work hard, but the content of the course will keep you engaged and eager for more.   As you will be constantly learning and at significant speed it will be keeping you completely engaged too.  The hard work is worth it, because as a Duopody Reflexology Practitioner, you will have a vocation rather than a job.  And you will never cease to be amazed at the skills and knowledge you gained at your CAREA training centre. 

This is a Level 5 qualification and if you are in any doubt about the educational relevance, please talk to us at CAREA, and/or with the Tutor at your chosen Academy.

There are so many life skills that educate us.   At Level 5 the main challenge is thinking, using your brain to work things out, as opposed to being told things that you then do!    At the beginning of your training you are taught all the systems of the body reflected on the feet and how to use your thumbs, fingers, hands to work your way through them, but later on in you learn which of those systems, or parts of those systems are most relevant to use in a specific treatment.   You will learn multiple other treatment protocols, some from ancient medicine such as meridians, chakras.   You will learn how to ‘read’ the feet from a psychological/emotional perspective.  You will know treatment protocols for specific times of life from birth to end of life.  

You will take all the skills you have learned as far as treatments are concerned, you will add them to what you know about your study clients, or fellow students if working in class, and you will combine all of this with what you see and feel on their feet together and you will become a ‘Health Detective’.   You have a pile of clues, you put them together and work out what is the best, most relevant way to treat.   It takes time in class and at home to build up to this stage of course, but learning it all, realising how each new skill or treatment or theoretical evidence or understanding is leading to the stage where you solve the health crime and provide the appropriate treatment is exciting – very exciting!

So in answer to the question ‘can I still study at level 5’, if you are excited by the prospect of taking responsibility to find a truly suitable treatment for each and every person you treat, and if you are excited by the prospect of learning to use your own judgement, to be able to analyse and interpret.   And then review your plans and reflect, then this should be the course for you. 

Reflexology as a career is incredible, no matter what level you train at or what technique you use, but with this particular qualification you are taking that further step into highly specialised practical skills that thrill and excite and provides an expertise that will also thrill and excite your clients. 

OTHM qualifications at Level 5 represent practical knowledge, skills, capabilities and competences that are assessed in academic terms as being equivalent to Higher National Diplomas (HND) and Year 2 of a three-year UK Bachelor’s degree programme.

Some people who are attracted to this qualification may not have been in school for many years, or are worried that they may not be able to achieve academically, or have other similar concerns.  

Call CAREA or a Tutor at a CAREA Partner Centre as in our experience, it is life experience that prepares well for this qualification!

The OTHM Level 5 Diploma in Applied Reflexology for Integrated Medicine qualification consists of eight mandatory units and 7 are at level 5 and 1 unit is at level 6.

There are 120 credits in line with one year of a Honours Degree.

Minimum of 160 hours with your tutor in their classroom.   These hours are referred to as Guided Learning Hours (GLH).   As this is an OTHM Specialised Qualification, some of the Practical Supervised Exams are allocated 3+ GLH per hour. 

The overall number of hours GLH combined with the hours for home study are referred to as the Total Qualification Time (TQT).

  • Principles and Safe Practice for Clinical Practitioner Reflexology (10 credits)

As the unit title suggests, you will learn all about your legal and professional responsibilities as a qualified Practitioner of Reflexology who can work in any environment, clinical or otherwise.   

You will also understand why choosing the Level 5 Diploma in Applied Reflexology for Integrated Medicine to study was such a good decision as it is the only qualification that embraces the need to look at, appreciate, and understand all the aspects that are involved in a persons health and wellbeing as evidence based information.

Discussion and seminars will explore why this qualification is ‘Next Generation’ for Reflexologists of the future.

  • Anatomy, Physiology and Psychology in Illness and Health (20 credits)

These subjects can sometimes be thought of as ‘dry’ or ‘difficult to learn’, but at CAREA Partner  Centres, the Licensed Academies, our approach is different which means your learning and understanding is different too.   We don’t deliver a generic Anatomy and Physiology unit, we make the subjects relevant to being a reflexologist.   We have taken many decades of reflexology practice and used those real life scenarios to educate in order that the Anatomy, Physiology and Psychology also becomes ‘real life’ too as we make it relevant, we make it interesting, dare we even say it?  Yes!  We make it fun too.   It is fascinating to understand what all aspects of our lives are involved in why we are well or why we are unwell and with lots of discussion and seminars. You will learn the multiple causes for Illness and Health and crucially, apply this knowledge as part of your evidence based treatments. 

  • Clinical Reflexology and Reflected Anatomy (20 credits)

In this unit we continue your anatomy knowledge and make it really relevant to reflexology.   As your foundation, your base treatment, your firm foundation, you will learn Duopody Reflexology which was developed at Inspira Academy many years ago.  It has been accepted by the medical profession and Doctors studying for a Masters Degree in Pain Management have Duopody included in a module – not so that they learn to use it, but to learn how and why it is relevant for them to sometimes refer a patient to a Duopodist (Duopody Reflexologist).   Duopody teaches you to understand the relevance of being able to reflect each anatomy system onto the feet and how to use that knowledge to make a clinical assessment and is supported by the world acclaimed reflexology textbook The PodyCharts.  

Duopody has evolved from what is sometimes referred to as conventional, classical or Ingham method reflexology and it takes this amazing knowledge and develops it much further.  Many reflexologists are still taught to treat the feet one foot at a time (usually right then left) which is effective, but the reflexologist often has poor posture and when combined with using their hands ‘mechanically’ which can cause damage to fingers, thumbs, joints etc., means that many reflexologists using this method give up after a few years due to postural, most often back problems, and/or finger, thumb or joint problems.    A Duopodist sits centrally, with both arms/hands extended ensuring good posture and as both hands are used to treat simultaneously (as opposed to one treating hand and one supporting hand) their hands are treating ‘organically’ to avoid unnecessary strain on fingers, thumbs, joints.

Learning the conventional reflexology routine usually takes no more than a couple of classes,  Duopody takes much longer as it is more complex, but is fully supported with a professional film for each system.  Demonstration of application is initially slow for you to absorb and learn and also at ‘full speed’ for when you have fully grasped the treatment for each body system.   You will be highly supervised to ensure that you have fully understood, and the films are available for you to practice at home.  You will also be given comprehensive Duopody Manuals as part of your training.   

Duopody is the first part of the CAREA Matrix of treatment protocols and techniques.

  • Developmental Reflexology, Pathology, and Integrated Medicine (20 credits)

As the unit title suggests, you will build on your knowledge as the depth and complexity of your skills and learning deepen and develop.  You will be learning to integrate practical, theoretical and technological understanding to find ways forward in complex and broadly defined contexts.   It is important to be able to apply critical evaluation to treatment findings, but also to be able to apply the same to yourself so reflective practice is introduced for your practical studies.  


You will investigate the symptoms of pathologies and conditions and how they inform your treatment plan to ensure that you are able to individualise, personalise the treatments you provide for every client.  We do not expect you to understand all pathologies, but we will expect you to know where to look for information and how to analyse that information to enhance your treatment planning skills.   Pathologies and conditions will be investigated for their physiological relevance to your client and also the psychological/emotional relevance too.    What is the relevance of our illness explored.

In discussions and seminars we explore the relevance of Integrated Medicine, how to become part of a team of health professionals, and the importance of looking at all aspects of clients and recognising that integration with other health providers (not just medics) is important.  Integration also means acknowledging every aspect of a persons life and lifestyle and how they will impact on their health and wellbeing.   Reflexologists look holistically at feet and with this unit we extend this to look holistically at their life too.

  • Stress Management for Body and Mind (20 credits)

Stress is recognised as a contributor to many allopathic conditions and so we developed a treatment protocol specific to the known systems that are most affected by stress responses.  Neuro-Endo-Psycho-Immuno-Pody (NEPIP) explores the psychology of stress and the way it often then results in illness because of a compromised immune system, particularly appropriate after the covid-19 pandemic.  NEPIP not only explores and treats the physical, it also addresses the impact of stress on the mind.   The treatment is now exclusive to the Level 5 Diploma in Applied Reflexology for Integrated Medicine and the treatment will include the body systems most relevant to our reactions to stress, and you will also learn how to treat the psychological/emotional/mental outcomes of stress and how they affect our behaviour.

  • Life stages of Human Development (10 credits)

There are many reasons why studying at CAREA Centres is your best choice, and here is another!  Imagine how interesting it is all becoming, how fascinating, how enriching for you as a person as by now you already know how to provide a bespoke treatment, a treatment that you planned that is based on evidence.  Amongst other things, you have learned about symptoms, pathologies, conditions, impact of lifestyle, but now you can also include being able to create a treatment protocol and plan relevant to the stages of human development!   You will have the theoretical knowledge to be confident in treating a baby, an adolescent in the middle of a challenging puberty, a pregnant client, male health, menopause etc.   And you will also be able to apply a bespoke treatment and be able to confidently tell a client that you are equipped to provide a treatment, no matter their age or their condition as you will be using diagnostic skills (not to be confused with diagnosing) to clinically assess and evaluate so that they get the best possible treatment specific to them.  Note here is that there are a couple of reasons when it would be advisable not to treat, but these will be discussed and explained why not in class.  How exciting this learning path is and this qualification was the first to include them in their units!

  • Evidence Based Practice for Reflexology (10 credits)

The other 7 units are all at level 5 (comparable to year 2 degree, HND), but this unit is elevated to level 6 and is the only Reflexology Diploma in the UK that has this.   As the name suggests, the focus is on evidence.  We will explore and discuss why reflexology works?   How does it work?  What research has been done?   In seminars we will debate theories and explore further, you may even want to bring your own theories to class too!   

When you train at a CAREA Partner Centre you will have all the practical and the theoretical knowledge and skills to be a really competent and confident Reflexology Practitioner, skilled in Clinical practice and theory.   You will also recognise that although the CAREA Matrix treatments are ‘cutting edge’ treatments, reflexology is still an emerging profession that constantly evolves and develops and your training will encourage you to be a part of this, so that you continue to research and learn from your self, from your peers and most importantly … from your clients. 

  • Business Fundamentals for Reflexology Practice (10 credits)

After your financial investment and your time investment and your learning and your studies, you want to translate this into being a Duopody Reflexology Practitioner!   You will research what other knowledge, what other skills you will need to have a successful practice.   There are more and more emerging paid working opportunities, but the majority of graduates still opt for self employment as it gives such autonomy and particularly if there are other demands on your time.  

Many students have never been self-employed before and whilst it is an amazing opportunity and thrilling to be ‘in charge’ of your self and your working life, it is important to recognise how this is achieved.   Everyone on Team CAREA has been through what you will go through as all your tutors have been students and started their own businesses too, which means we really teach from experience.   You will of course learn the legislative and professional aspects and also know where external help is available, so that when you qualify and graduate you are ready to join the other CAREA trained Duopody Reflexology Practitioners who provide awesome and often life changing and life enhancing treatments.   But we will also explore the practical difficulties that may arise, such as not knowing how to ask for payment, or undervaluing yourself and your skills and not charging enough.

The OTHM level 5 Diploma in Applied Reflexology for Integrated Medicine will give you the skills, knowledge and practical application in order that you you will be able to practice in any environment you choose.  From a general practice to a specialist practice and it will be a career that provides satisfaction and pleasure to both you and your clients from day 1 onwards!

The qualification is designed to be delivered over one academic year of study. 

Each CAREA Licensed Academy will deliver the classroom GLH hours in a way that accomodate students who have other commitments, such as a job and/or a family etc.

Some courses are a day in the week or a day on the weekend, some are weekends.  

Some courses are 22 days some are more, it will depend on how many hours are taught each day, but all the venues will be offering a minimum of 160 hours face to face with them.   And these hours are the taught hours and do NOT include refreshment breaks or lunch breaks!   

The qualification is delivered face-to-face through lectures, tutorials, seminars, practical demonstration and practical supervision.

Please check that your chosen course training venue provides days and hours of teaching that are manageable for you and your own life.

The OTHM Level 5 Diploma in Applied Reflexology for Integrated Medicine qualification consists of observed practical assessments (supervised) as well as client studies (unsupervised). 

All units have assessments which are internally assessed (marked) by the tutors at the CAREA Licensed Academy and the qualification is criteria referenced, based on the achievement of all the specified learning outcomes.   

CAREA carry out stringent quality assurance as the Recognised Centre for OTHM, which includes an actual or a remote visit during a teaching day.   Then towards the end of your training when you have completed assignments, CAREA will sample work from every student to ensure teaching and learning evidence achieve Level 5 standards.   When that is completed (Internal Quality Assurance) CAREA will apply to OTHM for award of your qualification certificate and before issuing certificates they carry out a further sample of students assignments as well as checking that all other procedures and protocols are in order (External Quality Assurance).

Specific guidance for every assessment is issued and your tutors will cover this in great detail to make sure you understand what is expected and a time plan will be given to help you achieve them.   However, everyone at CAREA understands that life can sometimes mean you are unable to stick to a plan and you explain to your tutor and then apply for an extension of hand in time with mitigating / extenuating circumstances   

The assessments are interesting and all related to making you the best possible Duopody Reflexology Practitioner.   Hard work but fun!

Successful completion of the OTHM Level 5 Diploma in Applied Reflexology for Integrated Medicine provides learners the opportunity to enhance and deepen their knowledge of reflexology within a clinical context. It adds to existing professional knowledge and depth for those currently in any form of clinical practice and could lead to opportunities to progress to bachelor’s degrees in Complementary Therapies and related subjects.

This course attracts students from a myriad of backgrounds and experiences as well as medical and other health professionals.  This assists in integrating reflexology and other complementary medicines with conventional/allopathic medicine. This Diploma provides greater scope for a career because it secures greater opportunity in a multitude of environments, including corporate businesses, GP surgeries, hospices, hospitals privately and within the NHS.  This is alongside the huge range for new business development in private practice.  Because of the course content the Diploma and your advanced knowledge at the outset of your career, it also facilitates the opportunity to become a specialist in your chosen area of interest e.g. menopause, mens health, sub-fertility care etc.

Every CAREA Partner Centre/Licensed Academy has tales to tell of the amazing work their past students go on to achieve, enrol and you will become one of them!    

OTHM are a London based International Awarding Organisation offering RQF qualifications via OFQUAL